The long-awaited Friends of the Sheldon Jackson Museum silent auction will be held on May 8th from 10:00 AM till 4:00 PM in the Sitka Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hall located at 408 Marine Street; entrance and parking can be found on Spruce Street. Winning bid items must be picked up between 4 and 5 PM that day. Only credit cards and checks will be accepted for silent auction items. For information on how to donate an item(s), please contact Donations of Alaska Native Art as well as Non-Native Art will be gratefully accepted. The last day to donate is April 30th. Please call (907) 747-8981 to arrange a time to drop off your donation(s). You will be asked to fill out some forms about your donation at that time.
We will also be holding a cash donation bake-sale. All yummy donations for the bake-sale will be happily accepted at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hall from Noon- 4:00 PM on May 7th.
For everyone’s wellbeing, COVID-19 safety precautions such as mandatory face coverings will be required, without exception, while in the Fellowship Hall.
All proceeds from this fundraiser support our Native Artists’ Residency Program.
Thank you for your support.