Native Artist Residency Program Classes
at the Sheldon Jackson Museum

The Sheldon Jackson Museum is pleased to announce that it will host the following artists this summer and fall through the Alaska Native Artist Residency Program:

• Lisa Kamahamak Lynch, Inupiaq painter and beader (June 11-July 2)
• Neva Mathias, Cup’ik grass weaver and dance fan maker (July 23-Aug. 11)
• James (G̱ooch Éesh), Hart Lingit carver (Aug 20-Sept. 8)
• Tina Cupell’aq Harness, Mixed Yup’ik beader (Sept. 12-Oct. 2)
• Denali McGlashan, Unangax painter (Oct. 3-Oct. 24)

In addition to creating art at the museum and studying the permanent collection, resident artists will also hold lectures and hands-on-classes. This summer and fall, the museum will offer five artist-led classes as part of the Alaska Native Artist Residency Program. While there is no charge to take artists’ classes, there are occasionally material fees to help cover costs. Space is limited for all classes. Some classes are open to youth and adults while others are only for 18+. All classes require registration in advance. People may register by calling (907) 747-8981.

Details about the Five Classes Offered:

Lisa Kamahamak Lynch (Inupiaq) will teach a two-part, beginner’s beading class on Thurs., June 13th 2-3:30pm and Thurs., June 20th 2-3:30pm. In this in-person only class at the museum, Lynch will teach students ages 10+ how to make either a beaded keychain or a pair of beaded earrings. Lisa will provide material packets the first day of class. The class is free, but a $10 materials fee applies. Students should make a check out to Lisa Lynch at the time of sign up.

Neva Mathias (Cup’ik) will teach adults how to make small grass dance fans at the museum in July. The class will take place over six sessions these dates and times: Friday, July 26th 11-12 and 2-3:30pm, Aug. 1st 11-12 and 2-3:30, and Aug. 2nd 11-12 and 2-3:30pm. The museum asks that students attend all 6 class sessions. Neva will provide a material packet the first day of class. A check should be made out to Neva Mathias for $25 at the time of sign-up to defray costs.

James (G̱ooch Éesh) Hart (Lingit) will teach students teach the basic principles of Northwest Coast formline drawing. This class will be in-person at the museum and take place Tues., Aug. 20th 2-3:30pm, Wed., Aug. 21st 2-3:30pm. The class is open to ages 14+. Youth should be accompanied by an adult.

Tina Cupell’aq Harness (Mixed Yup’ik) will teach a two-part beaded earring class in-person at the museum on Thurs., Sept. 19th 9-12 and 1:30-3:30pm. The class is for ages 12+. Youth should be accompanied by adults. A check made out to Tina Harness for $50 at the time of sign-up is required.

Denali McGlashan (Unangax) will offer a watercolor painting class in-person at the museum on Fri., Oct. 11th from 1:30-3:30pm. Students should bring their own rock, shell, leaf, flower, or other natural item to paint. The class is for ages 12+ and youth should be accompanied by an adult. There is no materials fee, but students should purchase a watercolor set (for $12.90) in advance online from:

For more information or questions about any of the above classes, visit the museum or call (907) 747-8981.

The Alaska Native Artist Residency Program is underwritten by the Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum and is made possible with support from the Friends, the National Endowment for the Arts, Alaska Airlines, the Baranov Lodge, and private donors. To find out how to support the residency program or for future calendars of events, visit